Friday, September 17, 2010

Stormy weather

For the third day today, it's raining men (I wish!) cats and dogs here in Ubud. I put a glass out yesterday to measure the rainfall, and I got a centimetre in about ten minutes(!).

On the way home, I lifted my scooter onto a deserted sidewalk to get around a road that had a foot of water on it. The flooding flushed the gutters out, leaving trash in the street, and making everything smell really terrible. Many roads had an inch deep stream of (brown) water sweeping across them. It had a certain charm to it.

Here are some brave souls fording the river directly.

Best investment I've ever made is a super waterproof messenger backpack, also known to be used by deep sea divers. Fortunately (and unfortunately), it's much more waterproof than my rain jacket and pants.

When I got back to the glass this morning to measure the total yesterday's rainfall, I found it overflowed (over seven centimetres of rain). I didn't get so wet riding home today. Like they say, yesterday was dramatic, today is okay.

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