Friday, January 21, 2011

back Into the wild

Well, friends, it's over. I don't really have much to glow about that I haven't already said on the Kopernik blog, but for the benefit of folks who don't read it (you should read this one), Timor was great. I will miss it there.

I didn't expect it to be such a good time, I didn't expect to enjoy myself so immensely, to be so close with the FEEO folks, to meet such neat and such terrible expats, or for Timor to be such a strange and fascinating place.


Now it's back to Singapore limbo for a bit before Ghana. My Indonesian is (terrible but) now better than my Chinese, I haven't cut my hair in half a year, and everyone tells me I've lost weight (is that possible?) (I don't want to lose weight!). It's time to get razor blades and rabies shots, restock my supply of nuts and update all the program packages on my ubuntu machine (:

I'm so tired these days. I've been falling asleep in every car and aeroplane I get into, which is strange considering it didn't happen in Oecusse.


It probably means nothing to you, but I'm extremely pleased with the title of my last Kopernik blog.

"Nada dan irama" is a Timorese joke in Indonesian for "you're welcome" in Tetum, and ending on this note makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.

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